Biological Sciences - Aquatic

Displaying items 40-50 of 62

Is Habitat Type a Useful Predictor of the Outcome of Interactions between Tubifex tubifex and Myxobolus cerebralis, the Causative Agent of Salmonid Whirling Disease?

The aquatic oligochaete Tubifex tubifex is the intermediate host for the parasite, Myxobolus cerebralis, which causes salmonid w...

Spatial Drift Dynamics of Shovelnose Sturgeon and Pallid Sturgeon Prelarvae in the Transition Zone of Ft. Peck Reservoir

Habitats in reservoir headwaters may cause high mortality of sturgeon prelarvae. Short inter-reservoir reaches export drifting p...

Investigation into Bias and Variability in Estimates of Population Size and Biomass when Catches of Individuals are Large Relative to the Total Population

Biomass of fish populations has traditionally been estimated by multiplying the average weight of captured fish by the estimated...