Twenty years ago, numerous partners initiated a region-wide landbird monitoring program. I will provide a brief history, will de...
- Volume 17, No. 1-4, Issue , 2011
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Borg, Nathan, Zager, Pete, Waits, Lisette, Mitchell, Michael S.
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
Rocky mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) were historically abundant in Idaho, but currently population levels r...
Extensive restoration work along the Big Hole River aims at improving habitat conditions for the last remaining fluvial populati...
A new average annual precipitation map (AAP) has been developed for Montana using GIS techniques including universal Kriging and...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Hicks, Lorin, Servheen, Chris, Steiner, Ron, Baty, Ross, Ingebretson, Jane, Mace, Rick, Vandehey, Anne
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
The Swan Valley Grizzly Bear Conservation Agreement (SVGBCA) was initiated in 1995 between the USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, F...
The Montana-Patagonia Chapter of the Partners of the Americas in both Argentina and Montana was established during the 1980s. Ri...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Cross, Paul C., Heisey, D. M., Scurlock, Brandon, Edwards, W. H., Ebinger, Mike, Brennan, A.
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
The relationship between host density and parasite transmission is central to the effectiveness of many management strategies. W...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Merkle, Jerod A., Krausman, Paul R., DeCesare, Nicholas J., Jonkel, James J.
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
Human (Homo sapiens)-black bear (Ursus americanus) interactions are increasing throughout North America. Information that assist...
This study utilized a dataset of opportunistic sightings to describe at-sea spatial use patterns for the endangered Steller sea ...
Trend area flights offer substantial cost and time-savings over total population counts, but trend area data need to be calibrat...