- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Merkle, Jerod A., Krausman, Paul R., DeCesare, Nicholas J., Jonkel, James J.
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
Human (Homo sapiens)-black bear (Ursus americanus) interactions are increasing throughout North America. Information that assist...
Conservation issues often occur in patterns that are replicated spatially as well as temporally. While differing in detail as we...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Environmental Sciences & Engineering
- Authored by Peterson, Holly G., Thistle, Harold W., Allwine, Gene, Edburg, Steve, Strom, Brian, Lamb, Brian K.
- Complete Manuscript
A unique field campaign was conducted in 2004 to examine how changes in stand density may affect dispersion of insect pheromones...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of
- Authored by Peterson, Holly G., Thistle, Harold W., Allwine, Gene, Peterson, Mark E., Lamb, Brian K., Strand, Tara
- Complete Manuscript
Tracer experiments were conducted in 2000 and 2001 to study spread of insect pheromone plumes in forest canopies. The field site...
Approximately 78 species of land snails and slugs have been reported for Montana, contrasting to 93 for British Columbia, 85 for...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Berger, Joel, Adams, Layne, Roffler, Gretchen, Johnson, Marci, Lawler, Jim, Shults, Brad
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
The Arctic is experiencing some of the most dramatic temperature changes on the planet. Species at the edge of their range often...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Cleveland, Shawn M., Hebblewhite, Mark, Krausman, Paul R., Foresman, Kerry, Thompson, Mike
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
Elk (Cervus elaphus) are known to select for refuge from hunting by humans (elk hunting). In many areas in the western U.S., elk...