- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Anderson, Neil, Ramsey, Jennifer, McCauley, Deborah L., Carlsen, Tom, Jakubowski, Fred, Sika, Jenny Lyn
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) were introduced into the Elkhorn Mountains of west-central Montana in the mid 1990s. The populat...
Reintroduction of native fish stocks is an important management tool used to mitigate the effects of invasive species and loss o...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Aquatic
- Authored by Della Croce, Patrick, Gresswell, Robert E., Poole, Geoffrey C., Baxter, Colden V.
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) - Presentation Abstract
Hybridization between native cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki sp.) and introduced rainbow trout (O. mykiss) has been a topic...
Approximately 78 species of land snails and slugs have been reported for Montana, contrasting to 93 for British Columbia, 85 for...
To maintain their structural identity, communities of tall-growing trees and shrubs depend on the growth of young plants to repl...
Brucellosis, caused by the bacteria Brucella abortus, is an infectious disease of cattle, bison (Bison bison) and elk (Cervus el...
In Montana lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) are a self-sustaining introduced species in approximately 20 lakes west of the Cont...
Fish are important components of most freshwater ecosystems and can interact strongly with their prey, potentially driving chang...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Berger, Joel, Adams, Layne, Roffler, Gretchen, Johnson, Marci, Lawler, Jim, Shults, Brad
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
The Arctic is experiencing some of the most dramatic temperature changes on the planet. Species at the edge of their range often...
Montana and Norway passed laws in 1897 and 1899, respectively, which set the stage for today’s wildlife management. These laws...